We are excited to announce our NSF-funded Integrative Movement Sciences Institute (IMSI), led by a team at UCI (PI-Monica Daley), USC (Co-PI Jill McNitt-Gray), NAU (Co-PI Kiisa Nishikawa), Co School of Mines (Co-PI Anne Silverman) and GA-Tech (Co-PI Simon Sponberg), with collaborators at 21 institutions across the US!

IMSI will investigate dynamic muscular control of movement in unsteady and perturbed conditions, bridging across organizational scales from molecular to ecological. The IMSI network brings together expertise across many disciplines including biophysics, physiology, organismal biology, ecology, mathematics, control theory, and engineering.  Understanding the muscular control of agile movement has wide-reaching applications in bio-technology and human health through the design of movement therapies, rehabilitation programs and mobility assistance devices.

UCI-based faculty include Monica Daley, Manny Azizi and Christopher Martinez in Biological Sciences, Sasha Voloshina in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Kelli Sharp and S. Ama Wray in Dance.

Keep an eye out for information about or Summer Institute research training program, coming soon!

Read more from news rooms of UCI and our partner institutions, below:





CO School of Mines:


GA Tech:
