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Summer Research Institute

July 1 - September 6

IMSI Summer Institute 2024_Flyer

The IMSI Summer Institute is an interdisciplinary research and training incubator that involves a network of faculty
spanning 21 institutions across the country. Each research team will collaborate on a specific research project aligned
with IMSI themes of investigating 1) dynamic muscular control of movement in unsteady and perturbed conditions, 2)
bridging across organizational scales through integrated experiments and modeling, 3) bridging between human and
comparative studies of movement, and 4) investigating movement in ecologically relevant complex environmental
conditions. IMSI participants will be organized in project teams consisting of 2 or more faculty co-supervisors from
different fields and institutions, a graduate student or postdoc near-peer mentor, and 1-2 junior trainee researchers
(highschool, undergraduate, or postbac). Each team will participate in the training curriculum alongside the entire
IMSI-Summer Institute cohort. In addition, IMSI includes multiple workshops in inclusive mentoring and team-based
science approaches. Projects include evaluating movement, modeling muscle, mathematical descriptions of behavior,


July 1
September 6


University of California, Irvine