IOMM Workshop – The Ins and Outs of Behavior: Mathematical Foundations (Part 1 of 3)


The Center for Integrative Movement Sciences presents the first in a series of workshops on Integrative Organismal Modeling of Movement (IOMM)…The first workshop, led by Dr. Bing Brunton and Dr. Simon Sponberg, focuses on how to analyze behavior from the perspective of the inputs and outputs of the organism, treating it as a dynamical system.…

IOMM Workshop – Seeing and doing: inferring control for vision and action (Part 2 of 3)


The Center for Integrative Movement Sciences presents the second in a series of workshops on Integrative Organismal Modeling of Movement (IOMM)…This workshop, led by Dr. Doug Altshuler and Dr. Nidhi Seethapathi, focuses on mathematical frameworks for inferring sensorimotor control in biological systems. Doug will explain the theoretical basis of detecting visual motion, and cover some…

IOMM Workshop – Control of Complex Movement (Part 3 of 3)

In this workshop (Part 3 of 3), Dr. Doug Altshuler, Dr. Bing Brunton, Dr. Nidhi Seethapathi, and Dr. Simon Sponberg will provide hands-on training for studying stability and control of complex movement. There will be a general orientation followed by break-out rooms in which each of the four presenters will work with participants on their data,…