Summer Research Institute

IMSI Summer Institute 2024_Flyer The IMSI Summer Institute is an interdisciplinary research and training incubator that involves a network of faculty spanning 21 institutions across the country. Each research team…

Research Workshops – Sensorimotor Feedback

Research workshop discussing movement emerging from through hierarchical set of sensorimotor loops. Presented by Dr. James Finley (University of Southern California) and Dr. Kelli Sharp (University of California, Irvine).

Research Workshops – Integrating Experiments with Modeling

Research workshop discussing how modeling approaches allow for systematical investigation and exploration of theoretical scenarios. Presented by Dr. Monica Daley (University of California, Irvine), Dr. Anne Silverman and Dr. Katie Knaus (Colorado School of Mines).

IMSI Summer Institute Capstone Symposium

The Research Summer Institute Seminar is a culminating event where trainees present the research they have conducted over the summer, showcasing their progress and findings. This seminar provides an opportunity…