IMSI Summer Institute 2024_Flyer The IMSI Summer Institute is an interdisciplinary research and training incubator that involves a network of faculty spanning 21 institutions across the country. Each research team will collaborate on a specific research project aligned with IMSI themes of investigating 1) dynamic muscular control of movement in unsteady and perturbed conditions, 2)…
Research workshop discussing superposition of convolution, superposed sinusoids as dynamic, and tunable matter is piecewise linear. Presented by Dr. Madhusudhan Venkadesan (Yale University).
Speaker: Diego Torricelli, BioRobotics Group, Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Where: Hybrid: Room 1404 UCI BioSci 3, and IMSI Zoom channel (pinned to #general in Slack) Speaker Bio: Diego Torricelli received the MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and the PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Roma TRE, Italy, in…